
What is available

  • Currently, only univariate analysis are implemented
  • Rely on StatsModels.jl package for model formulation and fixed effects definitions
  • Any kind of random effects including random marker effects
    • Additive genetic effects
    • Maternal effects
    • Permanent environmental effects
  • Bayesian whole-genome regression methods
    • BayesPR (BayesA<->BRR)
    • BayesB
    • BayesC
    • BayesR
    • BayesLV
  • Correlated marker effects (only for BayesPR)
  • Unknown (co)variance components (e.g., marker,additive genetic,residual...)
  • It is users responsibility to make sure that the order of the individuals in the data sets aligns

Pkg Registry

To install the latest official version, please use the following standard Julia command.

using Pkg
pkg> Pkg.add("NextGP")


To install the latest unofficial version (0.2.0), please use the following.

using Pkg
pkg> Pkg.add(url = "https://github.com/datasciencetoolkit/NextGP.jl", rev="dev_0.2.0")